The garden started as seeds. The twins love to water the seeds and watch them grow. I had sticks in each of the cups so I knew what was planted in each cup. The twins took all the sticks out. So it will be a bit of a mystery to see what each plant is.
Josh was playing on the tricycle and Jena tried to jump on when Josh got off for a second. So Josh figured a way to still ride the tricycle with Jena still on it.
Jena found she can push the chair up to the counter and get what she wants off the counter. In this picture she pushed off the huge container of croutons onto the floor. Josh is taking advantage of the snack-mess left on the floor.
Jena started screaming, I ran into the living room, picked her up and comforted her. I then asked her what happened and this video is what she told me.
Jayden was able to go camping with his Dad for scouts to Camp Three Falls. Jayden was so excited, he was packed a week in advance and he was counting down the days.
This kind of gave my the hebbie jebbies but I will share it anyway. Jayden shouted to all the scouts "Guy's, guy's come quick look what I found". In case you can't tell what he has in his hand I will tell you, it is a deer leg. Yes, I know gross. I made sure the mittens were washed as soon as he got home.
Jayden is a happy child. He is such a great helper with his brother and sister. I am just amazed at the strength of his evening prayers. One of his favorite things to say is "Please help my family choose the Right." Jayden is our little star who lights up a room. We love you Jayden!!!!
Jayden's age
Josh loves his sister. Every time she cries Josh turns to her and holds her hand or tries to comfort her. That is when he is not trying to take her toy away.
Jena and Josh's age
My princess dress in my princess bed. Jena is very spirited. She love kisses on her neck and cheek. Jena is a climber. We have to be careful because she will climb anything.